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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Study eyes assisted living in Nelson County

Nelson County
“The Jefferson Area Board of Aging and Nelson County have joined forces to investigate the potential need for assisted living and care for memory-impaired individuals in the area. The two entities are paying for a feasibility study by Maryland-based Howard & Associates that is to be concluded by the end of January and will help determine if there is a need for expanding care in the county.

‘The question is, What would meet the needs of people in Nelson County?’ said Marta Keane, the CEO of JABA. A few years ago, Medical Facility of America announced it would be relocating its operation at Lovingston Health Care Center to a new facility in Albemarle County, the construction of which now is in process. The organization obtained a Certificate of Public Need from the Virginia Department of Health, and the move is to be concluded some time in 2015, Keane said.”
~Writes Katherine Lacaze of the Nelson County Times

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