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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Non-Profits Join Forces to Address Affordable Homeownership

Town of Farmville
“Farmville Area Habitat for Humanity (FAHFH) and Community Housing Partners (CHP) are combining resources and skill to bring new life to a dilapidated home on Griffin Blvd in Farmville. The two- bedroom, one bath home will be completely renovated inside and out to become an affordable, energy efficient home for a qualified family in our area.

Habitat for Humanity, long known for building new homes, has increasingly rehabbed foreclosed homes. The Farmville Area Habitat affiliate began building homes locally in 1992, and has helped rehab homes for Habitat Virginia in a nearby city. But this is Habitat’s first rehab project in the local area.

Community Housing Partners (CHP) is a non-profit 501(c) (3) social enterprise providing community development services in the southeastern United States. CHP works with private and public partners to preserve, design, and construct award-winning homes and neighborhoods in the southeastern United States. By creating affordable, green, sustainable housing opportunities and services CHP seeks to improve the future for the people and communities they serve.”
~Writes the Southside Messenger

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