
The Virginia Planning Hub serves as a clearinghouse, where readers can find community planning stories, news and notices from across the Commonwealth of Virginia. A series of Planning Hub blogs cover topics such as housing, environmental issues, coastal planning, current development and more. Refer to the side bar for these blogs and updates as they arise.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Housing Conference: Session Proposals

Governor’s Housing Conference:
“The Governor's Housing Conference has a broad range of attendees from many professional sectors including nonprofit organizations, foundations and other philanthropic donors, affordable housing developers, economic developers, local government elected officials, design professionals, financial institutions, government agencies, private developers, real estate professionals, educational institutions trade organizations, community-based and faith-based organizations and public housing providers.

Innovative proposals are being sought to address a broad range of housing, community and economic development issues...  

The conference will offer 90-minute concurrent sessions, as well as 30-minute informational snap sessions.  The snap sessions are designed to provide brief and basic information about a specific topic or initiative. Each 90-minute concurrent session will be limited to three (3) panelists. Your proposal can recommend one additional person to serve as moderator or the program committee can provide one for the session. The snap sessions are limited to one speaker. The program committee will review and evaluate all proposals on a competitive basis. Due to session limitations, the conference cannot accommodate all proposed sessions, and the planning committee may merge topics or speakers to best accommodate the need.  Because of the complexity in scheduling around other conference activities, presenters will need to be flexible in availability and the acceptance of assigned time slots. Notifications regarding the status of proposals will be sent by Friday, June 27, 2014.

 All selected conference presenters will receive a complimentary conference registration that enables full participation in all conference activities, except any conference tours. Lodging and travel should be arranged by presenters, as these costs will not be provided by the conference. All selected conference presenters will be required to provide biographical information by Friday, September 5, 2014.”

Click here to submit a proposal - deadline is May 9th!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Housing the Future Workforce of Hampton Roads

Housing Virginia:
“Dr. Lisa Sturtevant (Executive Director, Center for Housing Policy, National Housing Conference) will present a report on the type, pricing and location of housing needs throughout the region based on projected job growth over the next two decades. A panel of local industry experts will provide a response from the local market perspective.

The panel will include:
  • Steve Lawson, Lawson Companies
  • Dr. Vinod Agarwal, Old Dominion University
  • Michael Carpenter, Virginia Peninsula Association of REALTORS
  • William Harrell, Hampton Roads Transit

Sponsored By:
Hampton Roads Community Foundation, The Landmark Foundation, Hampton Roads REALTORS Association, The OBICI Healthcare Foundation, TowneBank, Housing Virginia, The Dragas Companies, The Lawson Companies, Virginia Housing Development Authority, The Beazley Foundation”
~Housing Virginia

Click here to register (by May 6th)